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The Importance of School Hygiene

How hygienic is the school your children go to?

Every year the doors of thousands educational institutions open their doors for millions of school kids and students all over the country. A lot of people come there: teachers, pupils, visitors, and the heads of educational institutions are facing the question of how to preserve cleanliness, ensure a healthy environment and safety for everybody.

What are the main issues with school hygiene?

The main issues with poor hygiene in schools is the risk to the well-being of students and teacher’s health and the detrimental effect it has on the school’s reputation. As students and teachers spend most of their time in an enclosed classroom space, it’s more likely for airborne germs to spread, making them more prone to sickness. Sickness leads to absenteeism. It’s essential to have a regular school cleaning and waste management inspection to prevent harmful micro-organisms from spreading around the building and onto furniture and equipment. Additionally, if litter and food is left on the floor it will encourage pests and vermin into the school grounds, increasing the risk of a pest infestation and disease. An environment like this does not set a positive first impression to parents and visitors, which is clearly not good for a school’s reputation.

So, what do parents think about school cleanliness?

In some rather eye-opening studies, parents were asked questions relating to their thoughts on school hygiene which produced some worrying conclusions. More than 3 in 5 parents have ongoing concerns that their kids are exposed to germs at school and more than 50% of working parents surveyed pack lunch for their kids because they think the cafeteria is “unclean”.

Furthermore, around 1 in 3 respondents won’t let their kids ride the bus because of concerns that it is unsanitary. However, these same parents who voiced strong concerns about the cleanliness of their school environment also admitted to contributing to the unsanitary conditions in the classroom; Nearly half of all parents surveyed confessed that they feel pressure to send their kids to school sick, and often do, because they can’t miss work.

We think you’ll agree that all these survey results really don’t instil confidence in to the minds of parents knowing that the school their child goes to is a good place to spend their time and learn. That’s why it’s important to get school cleaning done by a professional commercial cleaning service like Wonder Maids.

We pride ourselves on thorough, reliable cleaning service which include carrying out tasks such as vacuum, sterilising surfaces and equipment, window cleaning, polishing, washing hard floors etc. We can ease the pressure of having an immaculately clean school – inside and out – with a simple scheduled cleaning contract.

Benefits of Investing in Specialist School Cleaning Services

• Improved attendance
• Decrease in absenteeism
• Improved motivation to learn
• Positive ‘first impressions’ to visitors
• More pleasant environment
• Better use of facilities and equipment as they are kept in a better condition
• No odour or visible dirt
• Happy students, happy teachers, happy school!

Keeping your school clean is a big part of Health & Safety and these are only a few of many services that we can provide and tailor to you. All of our Specialist Cleaning services are verified with a hygiene certificate in compliance with TR19 regulations upon completion.

A clean environment will mean that parents, inspectors, visitors and – of course – students can attend school knowing they are working in a safe, clean, professional learning environment. If you’d like to enjoy the benefits of a clean, healthy school, contact us now to discuss your requirements.


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